I dont do "resulutions" for new years. I think its dumb and hardly anyone goes thru with them. Instead I do predictions. Things I think will happen in the year to come. Sometimes its what i know is gonna happen, sometimes its things i will make happen, and sometimes its things i want to happen so therefore i will make them happen.
My Predictions for the 2010 year:
1. I will potty train my kids, and they will both be out of diapers.
2. I will get to my goal weight before i get married.
3. I will look beautiful on my wedding day.
4. I will get married to Jordon MacDonald
5. I will miss Jordon lots this summer as he is gone for deployment training.
6. My kids will keep me busier than ever!
7. I will start school, or at least enroll in school for the spring 2011 semester.
8. I will get a good job, probably one i wont have forever, but a good one.
9. I will make amends to anyone i've hurt in the past.
10. I will have a new camera.
11. I will buy myself those boots at Murdochs that i really really want but cant have cuz i cant afford 'em right now. but i will get those boots this year. and look marvelous in them!
12. I will keep the baby powder put up so my 1 and 2 year old dont spread it all over my couch agin.
13. I will make great new friendships.
14. I will tell people i love that i love them everychance i get.
15. I will be very happy in 2010.
Its the begining of a new year, and a new decade! Wishing you all the best in 2010.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
To Do Before May 2011
Things To Do & Try Before May 2011:
:Go to a Jazz basketball game
:Go Ice Skating
:Tube down Bear River
:Get Married
:Have awesome Christmas' & Birthdays for Kids
:Take lots of pics
:Get Professional Family pics taken
:Get Pics taken with my mom, duane, Sisters, and William
:Find a good job preferably 9-5 Kind
:Start School-details on next blog
:Get Rid of Lots of Clothes
:Get new car ((Jeep? MAYBE!))
:Do paddle boats on Bear Pond next summer
:UGH! do the sky coaster with jords at Lagoon :/
Updates to come soon with achievements and sucuss stories HAHA!
:Go to a Jazz basketball game
:Go Ice Skating
:Tube down Bear River
:Get Married
:Have awesome Christmas' & Birthdays for Kids
:Take lots of pics
:Get Professional Family pics taken
:Get Pics taken with my mom, duane, Sisters, and William
:Find a good job preferably 9-5 Kind
:Start School-details on next blog
:Get Rid of Lots of Clothes
:Get new car ((Jeep? MAYBE!))
:Do paddle boats on Bear Pond next summer
:UGH! do the sky coaster with jords at Lagoon :/
Updates to come soon with achievements and sucuss stories HAHA!
Friday, December 4, 2009
O'hana & The Occasional Nut
I love my family. All of my family. I am truely lucky, and honestly blessed to have such amazing people be related to me, and even more for the ones who aren't "blood related" to WANT to claim me as their family and vice versa!
In this family:
We do second chances
We do grace.
We do real.
We do mistakes.
We do Im sorries.
We do funnies.
We do loud really well.
We do hugs.
We do kisses.
We do love.
To all my family, close, far, seconds and thirds, firsts, aunts, uncles, grandparents, moms, dads, steps, sisters, brothers, in-laws, greats, and super greats, and the occasional nut who claims us as family, i love you and am truely greatful to have you in my life! 

'Ohana means family, and family means no one gets left behind.
A 2 year old, 13 degrees, and a bad santa
Brayden turned two years old yesterday. Its crazy how fast time flies when your having fun. We had a small birthday party last night at our apartment with just my family and Jords mom, mike and sister. It was a fun get together. Brayden did a pretty good job opening his presents after William showed him how to do it. He'll be a pro come Christmas morning! Which makes me kinda wary to put the presents under the tree til closer to Christmas. I can just see it now, making dinner and walking out to the living room to check on kids with wrapping paper everywhere and their new toys as well as all of daddy's presents on the ground...yup. definately gonna wait! Brayden made out like a bandit! He got his first bike, (from daddy of course) and a bunch of noisy toys that Naw-na got thinking they will drive me nuts like ours used to her..but as of now they arent. i, personally, like the noisy toys, they are the ones that keep the kids busiest for the longest amount of time! maybe in a few years they will drive me bonkers, but as for now, sorry mom.
As we were waiting for everyone to gather around Brayden and his monster truck cake, he ended up blowing out both candles about 6 times each. He loved it and knew just what to do as soon as we were done singing..blow them candles out AGAIN and grab your fork and dig in! After cake we all got ready to go to the parade of lights downtown. Yes, we, in Wyoming, went out at 6 o' clock pm and stood in 13 degree weather to watch a few tractors and trucks with lights, and a firetruck carrying possibly one of the worst dressed Santa Clauses' I'd ever seen.
His monster truck birthday cake i made him!
One of the many "noisy" toys my mom got him
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