Brayden turned two years old yesterday. Its crazy how fast time flies when your having fun. We had a small birthday party last night at our apartment with just my family and Jords mom, mike and sister. It was a fun get together. Brayden did a pretty good job opening his presents after William showed him how to do it. He'll be a pro come Christmas morning! Which makes me kinda wary to put the presents under the tree til closer to Christmas. I can just see it now, making dinner and walking out to the living room to check on kids with wrapping paper everywhere and their new toys as well as all of daddy's presents on the ground...yup. definately gonna wait! Brayden made out like a bandit! He got his first bike, (from daddy of course) and a bunch of noisy toys that Naw-na got thinking they will drive me nuts like ours used to her..but as of now they arent. i, personally, like the noisy toys, they are the ones that keep the kids busiest for the longest amount of time! maybe in a few years they will drive me bonkers, but as for now, sorry mom.
As we were waiting for everyone to gather around Brayden and his monster truck cake, he ended up blowing out both candles about 6 times each. He loved it and knew just what to do as soon as we were done singing..blow them candles out AGAIN and grab your fork and dig in! After cake we all got ready to go to the parade of lights downtown. Yes, we, in Wyoming, went out at 6 o' clock pm and stood in 13 degree weather to watch a few tractors and trucks with lights, and a firetruck carrying possibly one of the worst dressed Santa Clauses' I'd ever seen.
His monster truck birthday cake i made him!
One of the many "noisy" toys my mom got him
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