-W. Clement Stone
There are two types of thinkers out there.
Optimists & Pessimists.
The Glass half empty or half full.
The Pessimists are usually the ones you find with the negative attitudes.
The ones who complain cuz they don't have THAT car.
The ones who complain cuz they don't make THAT much money.
The ones who HATE work, and HATE life, and HAVE to go home to their families.
Sadly enough, the ones that usually write the suicide notes.
The ones no one wants to be around.
The ones who have no friends
or have no family.
Then you have the Optimistic people,
You'd recognize them because they see life as a gift.
They don't have that car, but are thankful they have one that gets them to work and back.
They don't make that much money, but are thankful they have a job
(especially in this economy!)
They are appreciative for the job they have, the life they are graciously given, and the chance to go home to their families again. To read them bedtime stories, and tuck them in at night.
These people are the ones I inspire to be like.
I'm usually a pretty positive person,
but I'm not perfect,
I have my moments when I'm not grateful.
But my personal goal is to look at the brighter side of life.
I want to have the mentality to believe that it all happens for a reason whether
"I cant afford a house, but at least this small apartment puts a roof over my kids heads and they have somewhere nice to sleep and play."
or small
"I Can't afford that candy bar? Oh well, i need to lose that couple pounds anyways"
Want to become a positive person that people want to be around?
One who enjoys life?
Then do this challenge with me!
I am going to write at least one blog a week about at least one thing i can change
my thinking from negative to positive
and then be thankful for it.
It can be anything, keep a list of things that went not the way you planned, and then look at it in a positive point of view.
the first few will be easy,
then it will get harder.
and you will feel better about the life you have.
so here is mine.
I HATE small toys! I worked on picking up my apartment today and every time i turned around my kids were dumping the basket of legos and cars out in the living room. It never stayed clean for longer than i was in that room. It was driving me NUTS! I didn't even have time to grab the vacuum to finish the living room before it was a mess again.
My kids have toys. My kids have LOTS AND LOTS of toys. We never run out of things to do or play with! (ideas for them yes, but things to play with, no.)
There are kids all over who are barely lucky enough to get their names picked off a fake Christmas tree at walmart every year and get a Christmas present. A single present which usually consists of Socks, Shoes that fit, gloves to keep hands warm, or a blanket to cuddle when lonely.
Even tho i HATE small toys when I'm trying to clean, I am thankful we can afford to give our children the luxury of having those toys.
**Maybe i should donate these toys that drive me nuts to a needy child somewhere? hm two birds with one stone? Possibly**
Aw, I loved that. I want to be more positive too, so I will post one thing a week to work on as well. :) Great post, got me thinking!!