So a friend of mine was saying that the only thing he doesnt like about being married is the fact that he has to ask to buy car parts/toys/games ect. This got me thinking, Do I Make Jords Ask? So I went and asked him about it.
Jords is pretty honest with me when I ask him things like this. Cause he knows that if I DO do these things, and Im asking about them, Then I am more than likely going to try to change them. (his benefit to tell the truth or not)
He told me that I never make him ask to buy things.
If he wants a part for his truck he buys it.
If he wants to buy a snowmachine, he buys it.
If he wants a new video game, he buys it.
and honestly I dont care.
Its his money right?
He is the one that earned that money at work
and should be able to spend it on what he wants.
I mean he is REALLY good about watching the bills,
they always seem to come first before buying anything.
He is a great guy. I love him.
He told me that if he is ever hesitant on buying something
(for instance, his DVD player, his ps3, his computer)
That made me feel pretty dang good about myself.
But then i started thinking,
Does that make me a good wifey that I dont care what he buys?
Or does that Make me a bad wifey that just likes to spend money, even if its not on herself?
Hmmm, what do you think?
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Totally Talkative Two's
I let my kids stay up WAY past their bedtimes last night
and decided that since they were up,
I was gonna pick up their room
while on the hunt for missing socks and sippy cups!
Brayden & Harlee were sittin in Braydens bed watching
Dora The Explorer
and being very cute
(Brayden says: SWIPER NO WIPING, and then when they get the stuff back from Swiper both my kids say "Tank You")
I took a handful of socks to my laundry room,
and while i was in there switched the laundry
and started a load.
When I came back to the kids room,
I found Harlee in her bed
under the covers and sound asleep.
And Brayden was right there next to her
on top of the covers still watching Dora.
When I asked Brayden what he was doing
this is what i heard
"Haree seepin mom. it ni-ni time"
and so i put him in his bed and put him to sleep.
Such a good big brother.
Shortly afterwards, Harlee started tossin and turnin and coughing
i could tell it was gonna be a long night
So i brought her out to the living room,
made a bed with lots of blankets and pillows,
and gave her some med. for her fever.
She was out.
We only woke up twice
once because she was coughing,
and the next because the little turd rolled out of the covers and was cold.
Usually Brayden comes and climbs in bed with me in the morning,
and I am assuming he tried to today,
but i wasnt there.
He came out and in a whiney voice said
"mom, get up. where u go?"
So precious.
I love my kids so much.
People kept telling me that because of having two kids who slept thru the night since they were born, that terrible two's would be horid.
I was scared! lol
But so far the
Terrible Twos
are more like the
Totally Cute, Totally Talkative Twos!
I am thankful everyday to be blessed with such amazing kids.
and decided that since they were up,
I was gonna pick up their room
while on the hunt for missing socks and sippy cups!
Brayden & Harlee were sittin in Braydens bed watching
Dora The Explorer
and being very cute
(Brayden says: SWIPER NO WIPING, and then when they get the stuff back from Swiper both my kids say "Tank You")
I took a handful of socks to my laundry room,
and while i was in there switched the laundry
and started a load.
When I came back to the kids room,
I found Harlee in her bed
under the covers and sound asleep.
And Brayden was right there next to her
on top of the covers still watching Dora.
When I asked Brayden what he was doing
this is what i heard
"Haree seepin mom. it ni-ni time"
and so i put him in his bed and put him to sleep.
Such a good big brother.
Shortly afterwards, Harlee started tossin and turnin and coughing
i could tell it was gonna be a long night
So i brought her out to the living room,
made a bed with lots of blankets and pillows,
and gave her some med. for her fever.
She was out.
We only woke up twice
once because she was coughing,
and the next because the little turd rolled out of the covers and was cold.
Usually Brayden comes and climbs in bed with me in the morning,
and I am assuming he tried to today,
but i wasnt there.
He came out and in a whiney voice said
"mom, get up. where u go?"
So precious.
I love my kids so much.
People kept telling me that because of having two kids who slept thru the night since they were born, that terrible two's would be horid.
I was scared! lol
But so far the
Terrible Twos
are more like the
Totally Cute, Totally Talkative Twos!
I am thankful everyday to be blessed with such amazing kids.
Friday, February 19, 2010
My Day With William
Well, first thing this morning, Jords took off to Guernsey for the weekend.
I miss him when he is gone.
But it means lazy days for me
and the kids.
Which are always good.
Today i watched my little brother,
He is so cute.
He will be 7 in April
& Brayden looks up to him SO much!
((everything he ate, played with, went, touched, watched, brayden was doing the same thing))
Between watching Spiderman 3 and G.I. Joe,
which was the last movie we watched today
William sat by me and said
"Nel, i wike hawbug an i wuv bwayden, but will you tell 'em to do away"
"Deniell, I like Har-bug, and I love Brayden, But will you tell them to go away"
It was funny.
I finally put some emphasis on toys in their room and they were off,
Will actually got to watch half a movie in peace.
Tonight I plan on sitting in my pj's
watching Greys Anatomy & House
Eating Chocolate,
and cuddling with my babies.
Anyone wants to join, feel free.
There is plenty of chocolate to go around.
I miss him when he is gone.
But it means lazy days for me
and the kids.
Which are always good.
Today i watched my little brother,
He is so cute.
He will be 7 in April
& Brayden looks up to him SO much!
((everything he ate, played with, went, touched, watched, brayden was doing the same thing))
Between watching Spiderman 3 and G.I. Joe,
which was the last movie we watched today
William sat by me and said
"Nel, i wike hawbug an i wuv bwayden, but will you tell 'em to do away"
"Deniell, I like Har-bug, and I love Brayden, But will you tell them to go away"
It was funny.
I finally put some emphasis on toys in their room and they were off,
Will actually got to watch half a movie in peace.
Tonight I plan on sitting in my pj's
watching Greys Anatomy & House
Eating Chocolate,
and cuddling with my babies.
Anyone wants to join, feel free.
There is plenty of chocolate to go around.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Help Someone
I want to help.
I want to do something.
I want to do something.
Even if its a small something
or a huge something.
I have a desire to help someone.
I have a desire to help someone.
I hate seeing people suffer.
I hate seeing people hurt and cry
especially over loved ones lost.
i've already thought of these ideas:
Breast Cancer
Childrens Hospitals
Make A Wish
Cancer Foundations
I thought they were all good ideas.
And even tho I am truely amazed by some of these groups around,
and I support them 100 percent.
I need to do something that is close to my heart
something I can get passionate about.
The only thing I can think of is something with the
Wyoming National Guard.
And I do believe evanston has its family support group,
i've seen in to that program first hand,
and there are some massively corrupt people in charge of it.
It is meerly a popularity contest to lots of people
and recently there was ALOT of money stolen from the group,
from within the group.
((enough money to buy my the Jeep I want!))
I am thinkin that i want to start some kind of family support/assistance group for the
The majority of our soldiers
deploy in 2011
My fiance' and dad included.
I want to help the families cope with their loved ones gone
I want to help them get out of the shell many of them put up when they are gone.
I want to create a fund that can go to any families having a hard time financially.
I want to help the children understand why mommy and daddy are gone..
and i want to help them assemble care packages to send their mommy or daddy so they can enjoy Easter, and Christmas just like as if they were right here next to us.
I want to make the long wait, simply easier.
I want to help people.
I want to do this.
now all i need is to figure out where to start.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Trash The Dress
So, Im getting married in June.
and am wondering what i want to do with my dress after the wedding.
I've heard of people selling them,
or just leaving them in their closets forever.
Some put them in preservation boxes (davids bridal does these for reasonably cheap)
but then you can only see part of the dress..the top part..
and am wondering what i want to do with my dress after the wedding.
I've heard of people selling them,
or just leaving them in their closets forever.
Some put them in preservation boxes (davids bridal does these for reasonably cheap)
but then you can only see part of the dress..the top part..
Next option i heard of, and my mom would go stir crazy with this idea, is making it into a keepsake quilt. kind of like the one below. I like the idea, but living in an apartment, with two kids two and under...dont see it staying very clean very long..
i think i really want to do a "trash the dress" shoot. Probably immediately following the wedding. i think this would be SO much fun, then i could have amazing bridal pictures..and not have to worry about ruining the dress before the "big day"

Some of these pics are amazing. and i would love to be able to do stuff like this.
doing them on both sides of the camera would be fun, taking them and getting them taken.
Anyone wanna either take pics after my wedding, or have me take some of you in your dress?
There are some AMAZING ideas that we could do here in evanston.
-Railroad/roundhouse area
-old downtown
-the scoop
-bear lake (not in town, but close enough!)
-the ponds/bear river
Im so excited. i so want to do some shoots like this when i get my new camera..
OOHH! even pics in old prom/homecoming dresses could be so amazing.
call me, fb me, email me, comment me, whatever..
if you have a dress or a camera and wanna take/model for pics
lets do it!
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Saturday Night
So tonight, Jords and I decided we wanted to go bowling.
It was SOO much fun.
It was just us two
and even with the entirely way to drunk rednecks next to us
it was great to get out.
I bowled probably the best tonight that I've ever done.
I love Jordon so much.
I am so thankful that he helped me fix that flat tire over 3 years ago.
Such An Amazing Man.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
The One You Used To Know
Dear Whoever You Are,
I am not sure exactly WHO you are, I thought you were an adult who gave me my best advice. Someone who would be a major inspiration in my life. Well I was wrong. Dead wrong. I am going to show you that this Massive hurdle you threw my way will not stop me. I will not back down from this. I know what I can do, and what my limits are. Do not underestimate me. I will not quit. There is so much going on this month, but i will not get stressed. I will not stress about the wedding planning. I will not stress about college. And I will not stress over scholarships. I will get where i want to be, regardless if i have your help or not. Just one more person to take off my "thank you" list. (I'd like to thank my mom, my dad, my sisters, and NOT you) My life is going amazing and i will NOT let you bring me down. These are the best days of my life. They will not be spent crying, arguing, screaming and yelling at you. If you do not wish to help me on my way, so be it. I will do it myself. I will make my life better than you could ever imagine. I will make you wish you cared more. I will be great. I will do something with my life. Just wait and see. I will not fail. You will see. I have my family behind me 100%.
The One You Used to Know
I am not sure exactly WHO you are, I thought you were an adult who gave me my best advice. Someone who would be a major inspiration in my life. Well I was wrong. Dead wrong. I am going to show you that this Massive hurdle you threw my way will not stop me. I will not back down from this. I know what I can do, and what my limits are. Do not underestimate me. I will not quit. There is so much going on this month, but i will not get stressed. I will not stress about the wedding planning. I will not stress about college. And I will not stress over scholarships. I will get where i want to be, regardless if i have your help or not. Just one more person to take off my "thank you" list. (I'd like to thank my mom, my dad, my sisters, and NOT you) My life is going amazing and i will NOT let you bring me down. These are the best days of my life. They will not be spent crying, arguing, screaming and yelling at you. If you do not wish to help me on my way, so be it. I will do it myself. I will make my life better than you could ever imagine. I will make you wish you cared more. I will be great. I will do something with my life. Just wait and see. I will not fail. You will see. I have my family behind me 100%.
The One You Used to Know

Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Freestyle MotorCross & Warm Fuzzies
First things first.
Potty Training didnt start 'til sunday.
Its still in process,
but i think we may have mastered that the bathroom is where you go when you need to go.
He thinks he needs to stand up like daddy, and unfortunately, he isnt tall enough for that..but he doesnt know that.
We took Brayden to Salt Lake with us on Saturday.
We decided that Mommy and Daddy needed some one on one with Brayden.
Our first stop?
I love that place!
and so does Brayden!
He tried out everysingle couch, and every single bed, and about 90% of everything else!
We ate Wingers for lunch
Brayden loaded up on popcorn and corndogs!
We got in our spot and while jordon was getting our parking ticket thingy, Brayden and I took some pictures.
He was so cute when we were walking inside. He saw the Uta Trax and kept saying "choo choo" towards it. then it passed us and he got so mad he kept yelling "NO WAIT! WAIT" then would say it in his high pitched whiny voice lol. Jords was laughing so hard.
Finally, we were waiting for the doors to open at the ESA
We made it to our seat and "LOOK! cool huh" was all jords and i heard for a good 10-15 minutes-and the show hadnt even started yet!
We will definately be doing more outings like this one!
The show was good, some of them had some AMAZING tricks and back flips. There was BMX FMX and a sled (snowmachine) that did a back flip for us at the end. it was awesome.
We have planned a mommy daddy harlee day for the 13th, and we will be going to see Monster Jam at the ESA. I am pretty stinkin stoked for it!
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