Dear Whoever You Are,
I am not sure exactly WHO you are, I thought you were an adult who gave me my best advice. Someone who would be a major inspiration in my life. Well I was wrong. Dead wrong. I am going to show you that this Massive hurdle you threw my way will not stop me. I will not back down from this. I know what I can do, and what my limits are. Do not underestimate me. I will not quit. There is so much going on this month, but i will not get stressed. I will not stress about the wedding planning. I will not stress about college. And I will not stress over scholarships. I will get where i want to be, regardless if i have your help or not. Just one more person to take off my "thank you" list. (I'd like to thank my mom, my dad, my sisters, and NOT you) My life is going amazing and i will NOT let you bring me down. These are the best days of my life. They will not be spent crying, arguing, screaming and yelling at you. If you do not wish to help me on my way, so be it. I will do it myself. I will make my life better than you could ever imagine. I will make you wish you cared more. I will be great. I will do something with my life. Just wait and see. I will not fail. You will see. I have my family behind me 100%.
The One You Used to Know
I am not sure exactly WHO you are, I thought you were an adult who gave me my best advice. Someone who would be a major inspiration in my life. Well I was wrong. Dead wrong. I am going to show you that this Massive hurdle you threw my way will not stop me. I will not back down from this. I know what I can do, and what my limits are. Do not underestimate me. I will not quit. There is so much going on this month, but i will not get stressed. I will not stress about the wedding planning. I will not stress about college. And I will not stress over scholarships. I will get where i want to be, regardless if i have your help or not. Just one more person to take off my "thank you" list. (I'd like to thank my mom, my dad, my sisters, and NOT you) My life is going amazing and i will NOT let you bring me down. These are the best days of my life. They will not be spent crying, arguing, screaming and yelling at you. If you do not wish to help me on my way, so be it. I will do it myself. I will make my life better than you could ever imagine. I will make you wish you cared more. I will be great. I will do something with my life. Just wait and see. I will not fail. You will see. I have my family behind me 100%.
The One You Used to Know

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