Thursday, January 28, 2010

Ready Or Not Hear We Come!

We've got the potty chair.
We've got the big boy undies.
We've got lots of chips and crackers.
We've got lots of juice.
Tomorrow morning marks the first day of Braydens potty training.
'twill be an adventure.
But adventures are always fun.
I will update more as tomorrow progresses.
Ready or not. Here we come!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Army Wife Recipe

1 1/2 cups Patience
1 cup Courage
3/4 cup Tolerance
dash of Adventure
1 pound of Ability
To the above ingredients:
Add 2 tablespoons elbow grease
and let stand alone for one year.
Marinate frequently with salty tears.
Pour off excess fat
and sprinkle ever so lightly with money
then Knead dough until payday.
Season with international spices.
Bake 20 years or until done.
Makes unlimited servings

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


-W. Clement Stone
There are two types of thinkers out there.
Optimists & Pessimists.
The Glass half empty or half full.
The Pessimists are usually the ones you find with the negative attitudes.
The ones who complain cuz they don't have THAT car.
The ones who complain cuz they don't make THAT much money.
The ones who HATE work, and HATE life, and HAVE to go home to their families.
Sadly enough, the ones that usually write the suicide notes.
The ones no one wants to be around.
The ones who have no friends
or have no family.
Then you have the Optimistic people,
You'd recognize them because they see life as a gift.
They don't have that car, but are thankful they have one that gets them to work and back.
They don't make that much money, but are thankful they have a job
(especially in this economy!)
They are appreciative for the job they have, the life they are graciously given, and the chance to go home to their families again. To read them bedtime stories, and tuck them in at night.
These people are the ones I inspire to be like.
I'm usually a pretty positive person,
but I'm not perfect,
I have my moments when I'm not grateful.
But my personal goal is to look at the brighter side of life.
I want to have the mentality to believe that it all happens for a reason whether
"I cant afford a house, but at least this small apartment puts a roof over my kids heads and they have somewhere nice to sleep and play."
or small
"I Can't afford that candy bar? Oh well, i need to lose that couple pounds anyways"
Want to become a positive person that people want to be around?
One who enjoys life?
Then do this challenge with me!
I am going to write at least one blog a week about at least one thing i can change
my thinking from negative to positive
and then be thankful for it.
It can be anything, keep a list of things that went not the way you planned, and then look at it in a positive point of view.
the first few will be easy,
then it will get harder.
and you will feel better about the life you have.
so here is mine.
I HATE small toys! I worked on picking up my apartment today and every time i turned around my kids were dumping the basket of legos and cars out in the living room. It never stayed clean for longer than i was in that room. It was driving me NUTS! I didn't even have time to grab the vacuum to finish the living room before it was a mess again.
My kids have toys. My kids have LOTS AND LOTS of toys. We never run out of things to do or play with! (ideas for them yes, but things to play with, no.)
There are kids all over who are barely lucky enough to get their names picked off a fake Christmas tree at walmart every year and get a Christmas present. A single present which usually consists of Socks, Shoes that fit, gloves to keep hands warm, or a blanket to cuddle when lonely.
Even tho i HATE small toys when I'm trying to clean, I am thankful we can afford to give our children the luxury of having those toys.
**Maybe i should donate these toys that drive me nuts to a needy child somewhere? hm two birds with one stone? Possibly**

In Heaven?

Lena L. Barkman
November 19, 1992-April 21, 2009

I have always been taught that Heaven is a wonderful place. The pearly gates, and streets of gold. Where the lion will lay with the lamb, and there wont be anymore tears-only happiness. But what is all that to a 16 year old who lived on a ranch her whole life. To a girl who had dreams of being a Grand Prix Jumper, and loved to draw her horses as much as riding them.

In Heaven?

Written by me, For Lena
Does it snow in Heaven?
and does it get cold?
can you build a snowman
on the streets of gold?

Is there a beach?
where the sun always shines?
no one gets sunburnt,
and no tan lines?
Does it rain in Heaven?
Do you wear your muck boots?
And splash in puddles
soaked from head to the root?

Are there horses in Heaven?
Can you run wild and free?
Is there a place to hide?
Where no one can see?

You are in Heaven,
Thats all I know true.
Down in the "real world"
we're all still so blue.

You left us no warning,
so early, so young.
My Dearest Lena Lu.
We love & miss you.

My little sisters best friend, Lena, age 16 died almost a year ago. (April 21, 2009) Our families have known each other for several years now. My heart still goes out to her family. And I am truely inspired by this family.

It takes a strong person to lose someone you love. Especially losing a parent, a grandparent, a relative, but i couldnt imagine my life with out my kids. This family is so strong, and I hope they are reading this blog. This family has lost a set of grandparents, a grandfather, two sons and now, two daughters, and they are still going strong. I love you guys. Keep up the amazing work, and I am looking forward to visiting you all soon!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

hey, a girl can dream, cant she?

I've decided that when we buy a house, it must have at LEAST two bath rooms, at least FOUR bedrooms (one for Brayden, one for Harlee, one for Jords and I, and one for my scrapbook room), it also has to have a family room, a formal dining room, a living room, a nice kitchen. like a NICE kitchen (vaulted ceilings, an island, tile flooring ((maybe heated eh?)) and for jordon, a wet bar (possibly in the family room) and an area for his dang weight bench. i have it all planned out-carpet, paint, set ups, walls, decor, everything lol-haha maybe we need to just build our own house lol?
Check these scrapbooking rooms out.

and these kitchens? to die for!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

200 Dollars in Free bows!

This website is amazing. And they are giving away 200 dollars in free hair bows for little girls! Go Enter! They have some amazing stuff! im gonna have to buy harlee lots of stuff from this site! Cute cute cute!

United States Weather Weapon,2933,583588,00.html
Apparently the United States has a weapon that controlls the weather-quakes, hurricanes, tornados, wow. amazing guys.

can there be a stupider person alive?

sorry just thought i'd share.

My Happiness

Dont Follow The Trends-create your own.

Be optimistic, and look at the glass half full

You dont have to be "the brightest crayon in the box" Just be bright. & fun to be around.

I am a daughter.
I am a sister.
I am a mother of two amazing toddlers.
I am a proud fiance of a United States Soldier.
I am a lover, not a fighter.
I am addicted to blogging & facebook.
I am a fan of all things ABC(family).
I am creative.
I am gentle.
I am rough
.I am courteous.
I am ambitious.
I am the photographer of my life.
I am a nerd.
I am Me.
These last few months I've found my center.
I've found what makes me TRUELY happy.
I've decided what I want to do with my life.
I've set goals.
I WILL achieve those goals.
I will be grateful for what I have.
I will be loved.
and to me,
thats what really matters.
Be Loved.

I'd LOVE my friends back. The memories we created, the hugs, the tears, the smiles and laughter. The jokes we played, walking around Walmart and not buying a single thing. Talking, singing, and yelling. And even just driving around when we had nothing better to do.
So yes. If you asked me if i miss being friends, my answer is
But I am happy. And i need to be happy, for me. for my kids. for my family.
So you can except me the way i am now, or not at all.
I will always be thankful for the time we had.
I will never regret any of it.
Just please, Always remember
I love you.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Dear Friend,

Man oh MAN!
How i wish that were true!

I've known some of the greatest friendships of all time, and now I look back and when i try to remember what happened, it usually was because we got in a fight over a boy, or clothes, or jobs, or friends. But when you really think about it. All it was, was that we needed to find ourselves. We couldnt do it hanging on to one thing, or one person.

We needed space.

We needed time.

We needed freedom.

Dear Old Friend,
We've lost contact. We had an argument. We didnt get along. one time. So why throw away the friendship we had? There are days I regret not being that great of a friend, and not telling you enough that you were an important part in my life. That you were the reason I am where i am, today. I am assuming that, (because of the stupid reasons we stopped communicating) me, or you, or both of us, needed time to grow and find ourselves. We needed that touch of Freedom in order to grow. Now I pray that you will find the greatest you that YOU can be, and that someday, YOU will be lead back into my life, and that we will continue our friendship. Please hurry. I miss my friend.
Sincerely, Your old friend

Monday, January 18, 2010

Soldiers Ball

In December, Jordons unit had a military dine out/dance. It was so much fun! All the service men/women wore their dress uniforms and the dates wore dresses and gowns and we got to get all "pretti-ified" Since the holidays and the kids had kept me busy these last few weeks, i've decided to finally share some pics from the dance. Duane
OH! Thats the grog bowl, lots of alcohol all mixed together. It used to be a type of dicsipline, now its pretty much to embarrass the soldiers.

Yup. Thats my wonderful Fiance'. Pvt MacDonald

My Mommy in all her beauty, along with my step dad Duane, looking sharp.

Venting and a 5 year Plan

OH! this four day weekend has been a long one! But much needed. On saturday, Jords and I took the kids to see "The Spy Next Door" with Jackie Chan, Billy Ray Cyrus, and George Lopez. I was scared when i saw the poster to see it lol my thoughts were "a comedian, a country singer, and a marshal arts acter..whose idea was this?" But, the movie was actually pretty cute. I liked it.
Sunday, Jords took the kids and I to Ogden to see my friend Jordan and celebrate her sons birthday (he's a month younger than Brayden). It was very much needed to hang out with her. I missed my Jordan and lil Daymon! Wish they would move back to Evanston!
Today is a relaxing day for me. Jords bought a sled a few weeks back and hasnt gotten the chance to ride it, so today him, my mom and Duane went to Afton to go ride. He is so cute, he was so excited to finally get the machine out into the snow! Jordon is not a morning person, but this morning he was up and dressed and smiling and was so stinkin cute. I love it. I love him. As for me and the kids, we will be staying home and catching up on naptimes and laundry. And I think Jordan is bringing Daymon to play for a bit today. ""maybe i should pick up my house a bit??""
So, I'm going to vent. Its needed, and its my blog and I can do what i want right? I am so sick of girls trying to rub stuff they have in your face. Like seriously GROW UP. "Well we did this yesterday" and "Im gonna get a new car soon" and "so what did you get for Christmas, I got a ..." UGH! I am SO sick of it. How would you like it if I ran around throwing in your face "ya, well i have two kids" and "i have a fiance who doesnt talk shit on me" and " i have my education" and "my family loves me." No. You would hate my guts (as if you didnt already). I am so sick of being told the "ya gettin that too" sorta stuff. Its ridiculous! Grow up and get over it. LOTS of people will have something better than you, and I cant wait for the day to laugh when everything you get disapears, when your whole attitude changes cuz you realize you CANT get everything you want and still be happy. I am so hoping Jords finds a job in another town.
Last night on the way home, Jords and I made up a 5 year plan. Things he and I want to make happen before, during and after his deployment. And I am very excited to start some of those projects. Jords and I are looking into moving to Laramie or Cheyenne to start school. He is wanting to go to WyoTech and I wanna be either a dental hygienist or a medical assistant and those both take (i think) two years. So it would keep me busy during deployment and i would finish up after he was home. Then he is wanting to start school as soon as he gets back for either 6 months or 1 year. **Fingers Crossed** I will post our 5 year plan as soon as we get the kinks worked out of it lol.
I am so lucky to have a fiance' who loves me, kids who adore me, and friends that care about me. Thanks for letting me vent a little today.